Keith Douglas' Web Page

About me Find out who I am and what I do.
My resumé A copy of my resumé and other documentation about my education and work experience for employers and the curious.
Reviews, theses, articles, presentations A collection of papers from my work, categorized and annotated.
Current research projects What I am currently working on, including some non-research material.
Interesting people People professionally "connected" to me in some way.
Interesting organizations Organizations I am "connected" to. (Some rather loosely.)
Intellectual/professional influences Influences on my work, including an organization chart. Here you can also buy many good books on philosophy and other subjects via I have included brief reviews of hundreds of books.
Professional resources Research sources, associates programs, etc.
What is the philosophy of computing? A brief introduction to my primary professional interest.
My intellectual heroes A partial list of important people. Limited to the dead.
My educational philosophy As a sometime teacher I've developed one. Includes book resources.


On this page you will find links to generic versions of my resumé in various formats. I use slightly different content in different contexts. If you can, please use the PDF version; it is the most pretty.

For those readers who are interested in my computing and information technology background, the following discussion of my education, skills and experience in this area might prove useful. Or, you might find the following PDF format document ("What good does having a philosopher and logician in your enterprise do you?") handy in answering the question of its title.

Here is a list of all the courses I have taken in universities.